Original art by Lisa Jay - Price negotiable - GONE

One of a kind items by Lisa Jay. Very limited availability.


Blu-ray - $20*      DVD - $10*

Both coming soon.

Posters (12"x17") $10* - (15"x27") - $35*

The final poster & 3 other demos are available





Script - hard copy $10* - download - $2.50

Final original shooting script used in production.

Police car door magnet - $50* - GONE

Sticks to refrigerators or the side of a car door.

 Crew T-shirts - 100% cotton -S,M,L,XL - $25*











Slightly used huggable stuffed toys*



Vino Veritas empty bottles**



Thrift store ensembles***



Harold's headstone, whole or cracked - each $250* - GONE

Other props coming soon

Erotic cast photos - color or b/w 8x11 prints - $25*

This is it.



                   *Shipping, handling and tax will be added.

    * easier and cheaper to buy at your local thrift store and probably a good idea to wash before hugging

  ** fill with your favorite box wine for an interesting dinner conversation piece, only $10 plus S&H

 *** requires getting Aaron to take you around to the numerous thrift stores in Santa Fe, his fee is negotiable



 All transactions will happen only on PayPal. If this limits who can purchase stuff, I'm sorry about that.

Blauer Police Jackets (only 2) w/POLICE on the back & Santa Dinero patch on the sleeve - each $200* - GONE


Jackets come with stinking badges and patches.
Joe West & Patty Smith


© 2020 Prickly Pear Productions LLC